- kedd::bimodalDatasets
- kedd::clawDatasets
- kedd::kurtoticDatasets
- kedd::outlierDatasets
- kedd::trimodalDatasets
- trouBBlme4SolveR::fly_parametersData for the SO question warning messages when trying to run glmer in r.
- trouBBlme4SolveR::issue618Data example github issue 618 on the lme4 repository
- trouBBlme4SolveR::issue618largeData example github issue 618 on the lme4 repository
- trouBBlme4SolveR::plantsData for the SO question lme4 error: boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular.
- trouBBlme4SolveR::treatmentsData for the Cross Validated question lme4: glmer() warning messages with count data mixed-effects model and how to proceed with model fit